
As a professional chef people always ask me how I keep myself in shape with all that food around me. Since I started to dive into the healthy nutritious world, the question is, “do you follow a specific diet?” The answer is not really.

I love food, I love cooking and I love working with anything edible. I am a foodie and I am lucky enough to don’t suffer any allergy, intolerance or illness. So I am so bless and happy to be able to eat anything I desire.

I can see the disappointed face of many. Probably they were waiting for ‘the secret’, ‘the key’ or ‘the magic formula’ for one of the biggest question of all the times. Which is the best diet to be healthy and happy?


Photo: Pexels

I believe in bio-individuality. Everyone is different. Something that works for me, maybe doesn’t work for you. You can be super healthy, fit and stunning following a paleo diet, but maybe the same diet gives healthy problems to your neighbour.

Thats why is so important to know your body, do some tasting and try different things. Also is important to consider that we change as we age, and that what worked for you last year maybe doesn’t anymore.

I don’t really like labels, I just try to listen to my body and I try to give it exactly what it needs and what make it respond better. You see, bio-individuality is the key.

If I should categorize my diet, it would be a 80/20 flexitarian diet. 20% of the time I let myself to get indulge and the other 80% really take care of what I’m eating.

Most of the meals I eat are composed by vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, wholegrain cereals and pulses. I consume fish and meat a couple of times a week. I make sure to buy these products at a local market, so I know where exactly it comes from. This is not a perfect formula, maybe a week I don’t eat any meat, but the following week I eat twice in a row, it really just depends on what I feel my body needs.

My big and most important advice for those who wants to feel better, happier and live a healthier life is, eat the rainbow and avoid processed food. Try to be mindfulness while you eat, enjoy the flavour experience of the food, and be conscient of the ethical issues of your actions.

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