Organic vs non organic food is one of the big debates of the decade. Is organic better than non organic? Some people defend it is and others not.


The result of a study, investigated by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows there is not evidence that organic food is higher in nutrient content than conventional food.

But, talking about food, is only important to consider it nutritional value? For me, the answer is NOT. Food is much more that just nutrients. I believe food is flavour, it’s experience, relationship, ethic behaviour.

Organic food has proved be richer in antioxidants, phenolics and some vitamins. While most conventional food contains pesticides, antibiotics and other toxins.

Other big factor to consider is how the animals have grown and are treated. For me, is not the same an egg coming from a hen raised outdoors and on a grain diet than from one raised in a cage.

All organic products must meet the following guidelines:

Photo: Pexels

Other comun debate is organic vs local food. Organics is one of the fastes-growing bussiness in the food industry at the moment. This has make goverments to invest in it. Thus, the price will reduce and people will buy more. Currently you can find organic products from anywhere in the world.

Giving the enviromental crisis, consuming organic kiwis from New Zeland probably is not a good thing either. This has lead to the 100 Mile Diet or the Slow Food phylosophy.

Both strive and promote local geographic consumtion and encourage responsable farming. Consuming food from far away involves more transportation, uses tons of fuels and food loses freshness.

I know, it all can sound overwhelming, generally organic is better but if comes from far away, not that much… Then local products…

Photo: Pexels


My big advice is consume local-organic products as much as you can. But if your budget is tight, don’t worry. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases a list with the most and least contaminated produce. So now you can make informed choices.


Is a list of the 12 most contaminated fruit and vegetables. Strawberries, spinach, apples, nectariness… I would recommend you to go for organic on these products.


Don’t be affraid of consuming conventional on these 15 fruits and vegetables. They are the least contaminated of all. Sweet corn, avocados, pinapples, onions…

Another important advice is find a farmer’s market in your area. Stablish a trust relationship with your farmer. Ask him for advice, where the product come from, how the animals are treated…

Taking these simple actions you will reduce the intake of toxin and you will end up consuming more fresher and sustainable food.

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