The social concern about health and nutrition is growing everyday. The information out there is huge. There is always someone talking about the best diet, new superfoods, discussing if fats are good or bad for your, if we are taking enough proteins or to much … And the truth is that good health is incredible complex, it depends on bio-individuality, culture, customs…
Some people may need drastic changes, but I believe that small shifts in our dairy lifestyle can lead us to big improvement in our health with lower risk of failure. They will help you to live longer, with more energy, focus and happiness.
So here are small nutritious changes towards we can make without a lot of effort, but that will lead us to a better health:
1.Eat Veggies for Breakfast
We know we should eat more veggies, and why not include them in our breakfast. Be creative and add some spinach, celery or kale to your breakfast juice, add some tomatoes to your morning sandwich or add mushrooms and onions to your scramble egg.
2. Go Local
Support local food economy by going to a farmer’s market, a traditional bakery or to your neighborhood butcher. Avoid chain’s restaurants and at the grocery store look for fruit and veggies grown in your state.
3. Get moving
All of us suffer from busy agendas, and scheduling an exercise routine can sound like impossible. In fact, an hour exercise can’t undo the negative effects of sitting for the whole day. So get up and get moving! Set one of those apps that counts your steps and track your walking distance. Take the stairs or a short walk every hour, even just around the office is ok.
If you feel more adventurous, make a workout date, there are studies that show exercising with a friend is much more effective that if you do it alone. There is less probability you don’t show up and you will push yourself harder to impress the other, and of course, it is much more fun!
4. Drink More Water
I know, it is obvious, but you can’t imaging how many people are dehydrated out there. Drinking more water you will feel more energize, will fasten up your metabolism and will make you feel fuller, so you will eat less. Take a water bottle with you everywhere you go. And if you think still water is boring, get creative and upgrade your water adding fruit or spices, for example, lemon and mint, cucumber and basil…
5. Practice Positive attitude
At night, think of a couple of good things that happened during the day.
Say thank you.
Think of your strengths and how you could use them even more in your daily life.
Practicing these exercises even just once a week, will increase your levels of happiness.
6. Sleep Enough
Average recommended sleeping time are between 7 and 9 hours. But some may be great with just 5 or some may need 10. Just make sure that those hours are really high quality sleeping hours.
Create a good bedroom environment. Right temperature and room colors are essential for a good sleep. Eat foods that help you sleep as almonds, chamomile, nutmeg, banana or apricots. Try snooze inducing essential oils as lavender or even take a warm bath before bed time.