Christmas is upon us and probably many of you already know what are you gonna eat for Xmas Eve, Xmas Day and St Stephens, but I’m sure there are some others uncertain about what is going to be their holiday menus. Maybe you go to your parents home or to your family in law place and these big ‘issue’ is solved, but maybe you’d like to contribute with a magic touch and bring something nobody is waiting for. Be that as it may, I would like to be helpful and provide you with some delicious and easy ideas.
Weeks before Xmas, I brainstorm millions of ideas to prepare. I always come up with quiet a lot, with so many that I saturate myself and in the end I always go to the known or ones that I pick up randomly.
This year, I thought about making a small compilation of recipes ideas that will drive you throw all your meals at Christmas Day. All them are delicious, nutritious and easy.
You could start the day, what about light amaranth pancakes or a powerful porridge to enter in the Christmas Mood?
As lunch or dinner starter, you could have a comforting soup, they are great to warm up your body and prepare it to have a peaceful digestion. Let’s go with a pumpkin soup, because pumpkin is in season and is super easy to make, is perfect to be served as entrée.
If you are a Xmas guest, probably the main course is already done, so don’t worry about it. While if you are hosting the dinner, you could be cool and surprise everyone with a vegetarian main course, the roasted fennel and goat cheese tart we made a couple of weeks ago or a root vegetable stew served with lentils or brown rice would be perfect. But don’t forget the sides and the salad!
And now comes my favourite part, dessert!! I shouldn’t say it, but is the dish I make more effort and with the one I really what to amaze, so usually I prepare more than one plus some cookies for the tea & coffee. This year we could go for a turron cream caramel (look below for the recipe), a two colour cake like the chocolate pumpkin spiced cake and some almond and chocolate cookies.

Turron Creme Caramel
Light and refreshing creme caramel with a hint of delicious and sweet almonds. Perfect for after a big lunch like Christmas
- 500 ml milk (of your choice)
- 4 happy eggs
- 200 grams turron de Jijona (soft turron)
- 2 tablespoons honey (or any other liquid sweetener)
- dark chocolate (to serve)
Preheat the oven at 170ºC
Beat eggs with turron and honey.
In a pot, warm up the milk and pour over the egg mix and mix well.
Pour the mixture in 6 ramikens or dessert glasses.
Pour water in a deep oven pan and place the glasses in. Bake in the water bath at 170º for 30 minutes. It is important the water doesn’t boil.
Let them cool and decorate with dark chocolate before serving.
I would need to try this one. I do very often the crema catalana which I love.
You’ll love this Silvia, it’s fresh and with a delicious almondy flavour, perfect for this holiday celebration!!