The Best Time for a Reset + Asian Style Restorative Salad!!

Asian Style Restorative Salad

Spring is here, and despite the fact that the weather is not 100%, we are already hiding our winter clothes, dressing a bit lighter, extending our exercise routine and lightening our meals.

Spring is a season of energy, vitality and celebration, but the changing environment creates changes in the constitutional balance that must be addressed through changes in diet and lifestyle. In addition, the change of season may affect some of us differently than others, for example, although blooming flowers make some people happy, the resulting pollen exacerbates the allergies of others.

Winter tends to favor overeating at a time when the body’s digestive system burns more slowly than normal, and there is more inactivity, leading to an accumulation of toxins. There is no better time than spring to cleanse our body and mind, just as we do with our closet!

Actually, spring detox-cleansing has always been there, from Europe to the USA. In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is the time of the liver and in Europe it is time for spring herbs and liver tonic, for example dandelion.

I encourage your to do a spring cleaning and feel all its benefits!

Here are my best suggestions for optimal spring cleaning:

1. Start every day with a glass of water with a splash of lemon juice. Add a pinch of cayenne, it will definitely make your blood move!

2. Simplify your skin care. Start your spring routine with a gentle exfoliation and use natural and light masks more than ever.

3. Eat a very simple diet for seven days, based on plant foods and good quality fats. Power cleaning with seasonal products such as watercress, asparagus or artichokes.

4. Make sure your bowels move every day, at least once! Take between 300 mg and 600 mg of magnesium citrate every night, and 2 tablespoons of freshly ground flax seeds in your food so that everything works well.

5. Move, go for a walk in the park, practice yoga in a quiet environment and take time for yourself. Breathing exercises can be especially useful in the spring to awaken the body and promote energy.

6. Practice gratitude. Before going to sleep write 3 things for which you are grateful, not only think about the great events of the day, keep in mind also the small actions that make us the most pleasant day.

If you wish to go deeper and carry out a guided cleaning you can access my Complete Guide, in it you will find explanations, all the steps to follow, a detailed menu and complementary activities so that you get the most out of this cleaning experience.

As example of a beautiful and delicious detox meal I prepared this restorative salad, so vibrant and yummy. It’s rich in minerals to alkalise and detoxify the body. This salad is also high in antioxidants to protect my cells from damage and high in vitamin C and protein to aid collagen production.

Let’s get energized and bring our vitality up!!

Happy Spring!

Restorative Salad
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Total Time
10 mins

This salad is rich in essential nutrients that helps the skin look hydrated and more vibrant.

Course: Salad
Servings: 2 people
  • 2 handfuls kale cut in julienne
  • 1 handful red cabbage cut in julienne
  • 1/2 carrots cut in julienne
  • 1/2 red peppers cut in julienne
  • 1/2 zucchini cut in julienne
  • 100 grams Roasted organic chicken or grilled toffu optional
  • 1 handful coriander
  • 1 handful cashew nuts
  • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds
Peanut Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 30 ml tamari sauce or soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 small garlic clove minced
For the peanut sauce
  1. Combine the peanut butter, tamari, honey, lemon juice and garlic in a small bowl and stir well to combine. Add a bit of water if it's to thick to make it lighter.

For the salad
  1. Place all ingredients of the salad in a big bowl, mix well, pour the dressing and combine well.

  2. Decorate with cashew nuts, coriander and black sesame seeds.

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