Cauliflower with fennel, hazelnuts & Pomegranate

Coliflor e hinojo asado

Last week was one of those that you call intense, studing delayed subjects (had I told you that I am studying Dietetics!?!), Meetings, conferences to prepare, final touches to projects that just came out, … I didn’t have even 5 minutes to prepare my food, thanks to the freezer and batch cooking, I managed to survive in a healthy and nutritious way.

I managed to catch up with all the stuff to do, so last Monday I dedicated and enjoyed my time in the kitchen, not that I did much but what I did came out to deliciously yummy. Spongy muffins that I will share any other day with you, carrot and ginger soup, zucchini and leek soup, white beans with mushrooms and tomatoes and the delight you see in the photo, cauliflower with fennel, hazelnuts and pomegranate with mustard dressing and lemon, a delight of colors for the eyes and flavors for the palate.

And it is easily prepared and you can perfectly enjoy it the next day taking it to work. I love the fusion of mustard, mint and lemon, they give a super fresh and delicious touch. The pomegranate provides excellent color contrast and a little surprise for the palate in every bite. I used green cauliflower, but you could use white cauliflower or even purple. And to make it even more nutritious, we can add quinoa or another cooked cereal we have in the fridge, beluga lentil or white bean will be delicious too.

Cauliflower, as a member of the cruciferous family, is an excellent source of anticancer agents, as well as containing vitamins B6, C, K, fiber, folate and potassium. Its sulfur content makes it ideal to treat inflammatory problems, help digestion and the immune system. If you are one of those who usually suffer flatulence or gas with cauliflower, accompany it with a carminative plant such as fennel, cumin, mustard, caraway, this will help relieve flatulence.

If you try this recipe do not hesitate to share it on Instagram and tag the photo with #healthyforkful, I will love to see your delights!

Delicious food prepared without worries and without stress. Cauliflower and fennel roasted with hazelnuts and mint, delicious and super healthy

Course: main course
Cuisine: Healthy
Servings: 2 people

1 cauliflower cut in flowers
1 laminated fennel
1 handful of toasted and chopped hazelnuts
1 handful of fresh mint leaves
1/2 grenade
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
For seasoning
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard or grain
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
freshly ground black pepper
For serving
Cooked quinoa
cooked lentils or white

Preheat the oven to 180ºC

In a baking tray lined with partchment paper, spread the cauliflower cut in flowers, the fennel slices and sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix well and bake about 20-30 minutes, turning occasionally, until the cauliflower is a bit toasted and tender.

Meanwhile prepare the dressing by mixing all the ingredients in a jar and stirring to emulsify or if not in a bowl and mix well with a spoon.

When the cauliflower and fennel are ready, add the toasted and chopped hazelnuts, the pomegranate grains, the mint leaves and dress it in abundance with the seasoning.

Mix well to combine the flavors and accompany with cooked quinoa or any other cooked vegetable that you have in the pantry.

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